12 Heartening Quotes focused on mental health

image of sharon makgare

Written by Sharon Makgare

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation”
―Glenn Close

We all need to pay attention to our mental health, it is crucial for psychological well-being. It is no secret that some people are uninformed about issues related to mental health while others are unenthusiastic to seek help due to the stigma associated with mental illness. This mental health awareness month, let us all reflect on why good mental health is mandatory. Let us speak up as opposed to repressing and let us share our experiences and factual information about mental illness as these are great coping mechanisms when living with mental illness.

Are you in sync with yourself?

Being mindful of your psychological well-being is vital. Being mindful means that you are conscious of all happenings with yourself including your thoughts, surroundings your feelings and the like. Mindfulness means you are present and are living in the moment which has various positive health benefits such as enhanced self-insight and intuition, an increased speed in the processing of information, as well as reduced stress levels.

The past year has been fast and rather furious for everyone. I have a few friends and colleagues who have described the past year as exhausting, challenging, heartbreaking and stressful.  The Pandemic does not make anything much easier for anyone either, but it is what it is. Coming to terms with your situation for what it is encourages a positive lifestyle. May has not been the easiest of months for me and so, I have decided to share a few uplifting quotes that have got me through grinding situations this mental health awareness month. At times we all need a gentle nudge, to see a different perspective.

Get in sync with these quotes:

Your past Quote



Want to reach out?

  • 082 911
  • South African Depression and Anxiety Group: 0800 708 090
  • Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393
  • LifeLine South Africa: 0860 322 322/011 728 1347
  • ChildLine South Africa: 0800 055 555

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image of sharon makgare

Written by Sharon Makgare

“NO is a complete sentence.”
―Anne Lamott

We all need to pay attention to our mental health, it is mandatory for psychological well-being. It is no secret that some people are uniformed about issues related to mental health while others are unenthusiastic to seek help due to the stigma associated with mental illness. This mental health awareness month, let us all reflect on why good mental health is mandatory. Let us speak up as opposed to bottling it up and let us share our experiences and factual information about mental illness as these are great coping mechanisms when living with mental illness.

Are you in sync with yourself?

Being mindful of your psychological well-being is key. Being mindful means that you are conscious of all happenings with yourself including your thoughts, surroundings your feelings and the like. Mindfulness means you are present and are living in the moment which has various positive health benefits such as enhanced self-insight and intuition, an increased speed in the processing of information, as well as reduced stress levels.

The past few months have been hectic for me. I have a few friends and colleagues who describe the past year as a nightmare. The Pandemic does not make anything much easier for anyone either but it is what it is. This mental health awareness month, I have decided to share a few uplifting quotes for all. At times we all need a nudge, to see a different perspective.

Want to reach out?

  • 082 911
  • South African Depression and Anxiety Group: 0800 708 090
  • Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393
  • LifeLine South Africa: 0860 322 322/011 728 1347
  • ChildLine South Africa: 0800 055 555

“with a positive mind, positive vibes & positive company anything is possible”
―sharon makgare

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